December 30, 2009
As I sit here getting frustrated that my 2 1/2 year old is trying to fight a nap, I am reminded of how blessed I am. I have a healthy 2 1/2 year old to fight with. I am watching my soon to be 5 month old talking and trying to roll over while playing on his play mat he got for Christmas. These things are so trivial compared to what a dear friend is going through. A friend of mine is about to turn the machines off for her daughter who was born last night with a terminal form of dwarfism. My heart just breaks for her. I admire her faith and trust in God. I would only hope I would be able to be as at peace and prayerful as her in such circumstances. I don't know if I could. That's something that no parent should ever have to go through. I have a set of my own worries but I cast those aside right now to focus on Michelle and Janie Beth. May God be with Michelle, Joey, Josiah, Katie Jo, Eli and baby Janie Beth. May He be glorified in Janie Beth's life and each and every person she touches. I know that is Michelle and Joey's prayer.
November 21, 2009
My poor baby is teething so bad. If he doesn't have a pacifier in his mouth he's constantly gnawing on his hands and drooling. Guess I need to make sure I have plenty of bibs and stock in teething tablets. I think he started teething around 8 weeks like his big brother. Wonder when his teeth will actually sprout.
Corgan is growing up to be quite a big boy. He went fishing with Daddy today for the first time alone. Daddy said he did really good. He was a little scared still of the motor. He didn't catch any fish but he loved the crickets. I'm glad that the two of them have something they can get out and do together. I bought Corgan some Pull-Ups while they were gone. He was so excited to put them on when he got home. They have Cars characters on them. That's one of his favorite movies. His favorite character is Mater but he's one of the few not on the Pull-Ups. I don't think he seems to mind. I'm hoping to get him potty trained soon. He was trained part of the way for at least 3 weeks and regressed. I didn't change poopy diapers for at least 3 weeks! I loved it. Now to figure out how to get that back along with him peeing in the potty as well.
Corgan is growing up to be quite a big boy. He went fishing with Daddy today for the first time alone. Daddy said he did really good. He was a little scared still of the motor. He didn't catch any fish but he loved the crickets. I'm glad that the two of them have something they can get out and do together. I bought Corgan some Pull-Ups while they were gone. He was so excited to put them on when he got home. They have Cars characters on them. That's one of his favorite movies. His favorite character is Mater but he's one of the few not on the Pull-Ups. I don't think he seems to mind. I'm hoping to get him potty trained soon. He was trained part of the way for at least 3 weeks and regressed. I didn't change poopy diapers for at least 3 weeks! I loved it. Now to figure out how to get that back along with him peeing in the potty as well.
October 28, 2009
What a deal! I just a post that Southwest Airlines is doing a getaway sale. Some great deals! I've been playing around to see where we could go and for what price. Too bad we don't have the money or a trip to use it on. I could get round-trip tickets to Orlando for only $100 a person so just $300 for our whole family. Too bad we can afford a trip to Disney before the trip dates are over. The sale is good till the 29th. You have to travel between Dec 2-16 or Jan 5-Feb 10. So if you need to get away hurry and book your flight. :) Have fun!
October 25, 2009
A friend of mine Nikki Painter is doing a giveaway on her blog for a free 1 year membership to Here is the direct link to the blog post.
I would LOVE to win this giveaway. Even though I have a photography business I know I have a lot to learn and would love to surround myself with moms just like me who love photography. I wanted to join the site but just couldn't justify the cost right now when we have other important needs. If you could use the giveaway go sign up to win! Maybe one of us will be blessed.
I would LOVE to win this giveaway. Even though I have a photography business I know I have a lot to learn and would love to surround myself with moms just like me who love photography. I wanted to join the site but just couldn't justify the cost right now when we have other important needs. If you could use the giveaway go sign up to win! Maybe one of us will be blessed.
Finally feeling much better! Still have some sinus drainage and coughing but not as bad as I did. Corgan still has a little bit of a lingering cough....and his eyes are really tired looking but I think he's getting better too. I had a little bout with a blocked milk duct or so this I'm working on keeping that clear.
I always thought I'd hate using any formula for Keelan but I'm not totally against it. I'm glad that I'm giving him at least 90% of his food from breastmilk. I've gone longer than I ever did with Corgan. I'm loving every day and every feeding that I'm able to have with him. I'm really going to miss our nursing relationship whenever it ends but I'm hoping it's later than sooner. When asked how long I want to nurse I just say I'm taking it day by day. I want to get to 3 months, 6 months, etc. I don't want to impose goals on myself and then get upset when I don't meet them. So this is my way of attaining my breastfeeding goals. I know in the long run I'd love to make it to 1 year or even 2.
We have found out that Corgan is quite jealous of Keelan. Whenever I am gone and take Keelan with me, Corgan is an angel for Marshall. If I am home or I leave Keelan at home too, Corgan becomes a terror. Not sure what we can do to take care of the situation. Any advice from you been there done that moms?
I always thought I'd hate using any formula for Keelan but I'm not totally against it. I'm glad that I'm giving him at least 90% of his food from breastmilk. I've gone longer than I ever did with Corgan. I'm loving every day and every feeding that I'm able to have with him. I'm really going to miss our nursing relationship whenever it ends but I'm hoping it's later than sooner. When asked how long I want to nurse I just say I'm taking it day by day. I want to get to 3 months, 6 months, etc. I don't want to impose goals on myself and then get upset when I don't meet them. So this is my way of attaining my breastfeeding goals. I know in the long run I'd love to make it to 1 year or even 2.
We have found out that Corgan is quite jealous of Keelan. Whenever I am gone and take Keelan with me, Corgan is an angel for Marshall. If I am home or I leave Keelan at home too, Corgan becomes a terror. Not sure what we can do to take care of the situation. Any advice from you been there done that moms?
October 19, 2009
Corgan is still trying to get over being sick. He hasn't had a fever in several days but I still hate hearing him cough like he has. This is his first big sickness. Not bad for being 28 months old. :)
Marshall is already on the mend I believe. However it's sticking around with me a bit longer. Could be the fact that I'm not taking any medicine since I'm nursing Keelan. I don't want to take any chances of risking my milk supply. I've been trying to drink a lot of fluids and rest. At least as much as I can being a SAHM to a sick toddler and a newborn. I'm just ready to quit coughing. It's a dull feeling in my throat that tickles me and makes me cough. Add the fact that I'm having some sort of heart flutters or palpitations. Not sure what's causing them but they just make me feel uncomfortable.
Well, I gotta go stir the chili I'm making for supper. Need to pick up around the house so I can sweep and mop. Marshall will be home shortly for supper. I'm ready for some warm chili after these cold days. I love fall!
Marshall is already on the mend I believe. However it's sticking around with me a bit longer. Could be the fact that I'm not taking any medicine since I'm nursing Keelan. I don't want to take any chances of risking my milk supply. I've been trying to drink a lot of fluids and rest. At least as much as I can being a SAHM to a sick toddler and a newborn. I'm just ready to quit coughing. It's a dull feeling in my throat that tickles me and makes me cough. Add the fact that I'm having some sort of heart flutters or palpitations. Not sure what's causing them but they just make me feel uncomfortable.
Well, I gotta go stir the chili I'm making for supper. Need to pick up around the house so I can sweep and mop. Marshall will be home shortly for supper. I'm ready for some warm chili after these cold days. I love fall!
October 15, 2009
So what's been going on in my world? A LOT!
First off, I haven't announced the arrival on Keelan Alexander on the blog. He arrived on August 11, 2009 at 6:33 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 4 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. He was born with a head FULL of hair...that is really an understatement. He had his 2 month check-up this past Monday. He's up to 9 lbs 5 ozs and 21.75 inches. He's a pretty good nurser. We've had a great deal of trials in the past 2 months but it's worth the work and pain. He's been rolling over since he was 16 days old. He's been giving us lots of smiles now. It's too cute to see him smile with dimples like his big brother and daddy. <3
Corgan is growing too but not sure of his stats. He's a good big brother but still a little too rough with Keelan. He's learning though.

I plan on starting Tot School with him. He needs some kind of routine cause he's getting into everything. I want to encourage learning in a fun way for him as well.
I'm doing pretty good. Everyone has been commenting on how good I look and saying I've lost weight. I have lost some lbs but I think it's more inches than anything. I'm ready to start seriously losing weight but not doing too much since I'm nursing. I need to start eating better and find an exercise that works for me. Marshall is doing good. We're both trying to deal with the adjustment to 2 kids. It has it's ups and downs. We need to get away and have date nights. It would be with Keelan for a while but that's ok.
First off, I haven't announced the arrival on Keelan Alexander on the blog. He arrived on August 11, 2009 at 6:33 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 4 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. He was born with a head FULL of hair...that is really an understatement. He had his 2 month check-up this past Monday. He's up to 9 lbs 5 ozs and 21.75 inches. He's a pretty good nurser. We've had a great deal of trials in the past 2 months but it's worth the work and pain. He's been rolling over since he was 16 days old. He's been giving us lots of smiles now. It's too cute to see him smile with dimples like his big brother and daddy. <3
Corgan is growing too but not sure of his stats. He's a good big brother but still a little too rough with Keelan. He's learning though.

I plan on starting Tot School with him. He needs some kind of routine cause he's getting into everything. I want to encourage learning in a fun way for him as well.
I'm doing pretty good. Everyone has been commenting on how good I look and saying I've lost weight. I have lost some lbs but I think it's more inches than anything. I'm ready to start seriously losing weight but not doing too much since I'm nursing. I need to start eating better and find an exercise that works for me. Marshall is doing good. We're both trying to deal with the adjustment to 2 kids. It has it's ups and downs. We need to get away and have date nights. It would be with Keelan for a while but that's ok.
September 20, 2009
Keelan is finally fitting into his cloth diapers!!! YAY! He looks so cute in them too. He's wearing BumGenius all-in-ones. I loved them for Corgan so when I found out that Keelan was a boy I started building his stash. I didn't cloth diaper Corgan until 9 months so I didn't have any small stuff. I bought several BumGenius all-in-ones for Keelan but we could still use more so I have entered this contest. Go check them out and enter to win yourself! These are some of the easiest diapers to use if you want to do cloth!
July 30, 2009
Wow I really stink at keeping a blog. Matter of fact Corgan's blog hasn't been updated in a LONG time! I know things will get even harder once I am a mom to a 2 year old and a newborn. I welcome the challenges with open arms though. I'll be 38 weeks on Sunday. I had my OB appt today. Keelan has dropped but we're just barely making progress. I know things can go on for a while or they can happen quickly. I need to finish packing bags for us. I need to get one put together for Corgan as well so when he goes to someone's (not sure who just yet but we have a good list) house he'll be all set with clothes and diapers. I need to find a gift from Keelan to Corgan and vice versa to give to each other at the hospital. I've heard that's a good idea for transition.
April 17, 2009
Wow it's been so long since I've posted on here. I haven't even shared that we're having another boy! His name is Keelan Alexander. He's becoming quite the active little guy in my tummy. I love feeling him move. I'm not so sure Corgan understands that he's going to be a big brother. He'll know soon enough.
I've been busy getting stuff prepared for Keelan's coming arrival. I've been going through Corgan's room cleaning and organizing. I've been trying to sell or give away stuff we don't need. I plan on getting the deep freeze out of Corgan's room as well to move his crib over to where it is. That'll make the room bigger for him to play in until we move him into a toddler bed. We're not in any hurry to do that. He won't need to be in a toddler bed till Keelan moves into the crib which won't be until he is sleeping through the night. Keelan will room with us for a few maybe even several months. I plan on breastfeeding him. I wasn't successful with Corgan and gave up too soon. I'm armed with knowledge, friends to support, and willpower. I WILL succeed! Remind me this in a few months after Keelan gets here and I struggle. :)
I've been busy getting stuff prepared for Keelan's coming arrival. I've been going through Corgan's room cleaning and organizing. I've been trying to sell or give away stuff we don't need. I plan on getting the deep freeze out of Corgan's room as well to move his crib over to where it is. That'll make the room bigger for him to play in until we move him into a toddler bed. We're not in any hurry to do that. He won't need to be in a toddler bed till Keelan moves into the crib which won't be until he is sleeping through the night. Keelan will room with us for a few maybe even several months. I plan on breastfeeding him. I wasn't successful with Corgan and gave up too soon. I'm armed with knowledge, friends to support, and willpower. I WILL succeed! Remind me this in a few months after Keelan gets here and I struggle. :)
March 20, 2009
I finally did it. I got groceries without paying a penny...well sorta! Here's how I did it. First I transferred a prescription for my husband's diabetes medication. I had a competitor's coupon for a $25 gift card when you transfer a prescription that I used. So I was given a $25 gift card. I had a $10 off competitor's coupon. Along with 2 other coupons I was able to purchase my groceries and still have .06 left on my gift card! Now I know it's all according to the discretion of the manager whether or not they'll take the competitor's coupons but my stores are good about it. Makes me a happy camper!
March 13, 2009
Well, I've added a poll on the right since we're in the final countdown! My big u/s is the 25th at 9:30 am. Please vote and tell me what you think I'm having.
*This is my 2nd pregnancy...first one was with a little boy named Corgan
*I haven't gained anything yet (as of 16 weeks...not sure what I am now) - gained 13 lbs by 28 weeks with Corgan but lost 6 lbs so a total weight gain of 7 lbs with that pregnancy
*I've been nauseated and still am off and on - went away around 13 weeks with Corgan
*I've enjoyed sweets but they make me really nauseated (so I haven't eaten them much) - had to limit them with Corgan due to gestation diabetes
*My uterus is measuring high as of 16 weeks making me measure 2 weeks ahead - I never measured ahead with Corgan until 24 weeks.
*I've had bad headaches
*I've had mommy intuition that this baby is a girl - knew that Corgan was a boy (wonder if we'll be correct this time?!)
*The hair on my legs takes a long time to grow back - it almost immediately grew back right after shaving with Corgan
*My nails are long and BEAUTIFUL! - they were brittle with Corgan
*I had bouts of acid reflux until recently - don't remember any with Corgan
*I felt the baby move at 13 weeks and Marshall could feel the baby at 15 weeks - was 16-17 weeks before I could feel Corgan and even later before Marshall could feel him.
Can't think of any more things that may help you choose...but ask away. So far my blood pressure has only been high once (the day before Maw Maw's funeral - normal given the circumstances) and my blood sugars are good!
*This is my 2nd pregnancy...first one was with a little boy named Corgan
*I haven't gained anything yet (as of 16 weeks...not sure what I am now) - gained 13 lbs by 28 weeks with Corgan but lost 6 lbs so a total weight gain of 7 lbs with that pregnancy
*I've been nauseated and still am off and on - went away around 13 weeks with Corgan
*I've enjoyed sweets but they make me really nauseated (so I haven't eaten them much) - had to limit them with Corgan due to gestation diabetes
*My uterus is measuring high as of 16 weeks making me measure 2 weeks ahead - I never measured ahead with Corgan until 24 weeks.
*I've had bad headaches
*I've had mommy intuition that this baby is a girl - knew that Corgan was a boy (wonder if we'll be correct this time?!)
*The hair on my legs takes a long time to grow back - it almost immediately grew back right after shaving with Corgan
*My nails are long and BEAUTIFUL! - they were brittle with Corgan
*I had bouts of acid reflux until recently - don't remember any with Corgan
*I felt the baby move at 13 weeks and Marshall could feel the baby at 15 weeks - was 16-17 weeks before I could feel Corgan and even later before Marshall could feel him.
Can't think of any more things that may help you choose...but ask away. So far my blood pressure has only been high once (the day before Maw Maw's funeral - normal given the circumstances) and my blood sugars are good!
March 12, 2009

I was given an award by Wendy. Thanks girl! We need to do lunch or a playdate sometime!
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self- aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award!"
Here are my 8:
*Julie @ Multiple Blessings
*Stacy @ Come Walk With Me...
*Sam @ The Handmade Dress
*April @ Waiting With Hope...
*Rachel @ Following In My Shoes
*Emily @ Adventures In O'ville
*Gayle @ Grace For Gayle
*Cori @ Creatively Cori
I was tagged by a few friends so I found the 6th picture in my 6th folder. It's a picture of Corgan at 1 month old. He was so little!!

March 05, 2009
Any of you local people interested in a photo shoot? I'm holding a special right now!
You choose your session fee! Session fee is usually $50 for 60-90 minutes but you can change that for a limited time!
When you spend $0-$49.99 on photos, you get 25% off your session fee!
When you spend $50-$124.99 on photos, you get 50% off your session fee!
When you spend $125-$174.99 on photos, you get 75% off your session fee!
When you spend $175+ on photos, you get a FREE session!!
Plus save 20% on all photo purchases when you book and hold your session by April 1st. No fooling about that. :)
You choose your session fee! Session fee is usually $50 for 60-90 minutes but you can change that for a limited time!
When you spend $0-$49.99 on photos, you get 25% off your session fee!
When you spend $50-$124.99 on photos, you get 50% off your session fee!
When you spend $125-$174.99 on photos, you get 75% off your session fee!
When you spend $175+ on photos, you get a FREE session!!
Plus save 20% on all photo purchases when you book and hold your session by April 1st. No fooling about that. :)
January 05, 2009
It's time for serious couponing/budgeting! We found out that we are expecting #2 recently. I need to start stockpiling so we won't have so much to buy after baby gets here. I'm due in August....sometime between the 16th and the 20th. I have a small subchorionic hemorrhage that they're keeping their eyes on but I'm hoping it will continue to do well and clear up just fine. I had an u/s last week when they first noticed it. I had a follow-up appt today and it's still the same. That's good news though cause it's not getting worse. I'll keep you updated as I can. I don't go back for another 4 weeks.
I was pretty excited about my deals I found today! I was only going to Target to get Electrasol powerballs since they're on sale for $3.25 and I had a $2.50 coupon. Well, then I headed to the baby dept to see if there were anymore good clearance deals. I bought a double stroller weekend before last cause they had it 50% off for $63! Best deal I've found so I couldn't pass it up. Today I found the Christmas baby stuff for 90% off!!! So I snagged up some for baby...I just hope it'll fit. :) I got 2 sleepers, 1 santa suit (in case it's a boy), 2 hats, and a pair of slippers. With all of that and my dishwasher detergent I only spent $6.04! Savings of over $45! Sweet! I'll double at least the slippers and hats as photography props next Christmas.
Still trying to book photography shoots so if you're local, give me a holler! :)
I was pretty excited about my deals I found today! I was only going to Target to get Electrasol powerballs since they're on sale for $3.25 and I had a $2.50 coupon. Well, then I headed to the baby dept to see if there were anymore good clearance deals. I bought a double stroller weekend before last cause they had it 50% off for $63! Best deal I've found so I couldn't pass it up. Today I found the Christmas baby stuff for 90% off!!! So I snagged up some for baby...I just hope it'll fit. :) I got 2 sleepers, 1 santa suit (in case it's a boy), 2 hats, and a pair of slippers. With all of that and my dishwasher detergent I only spent $6.04! Savings of over $45! Sweet! I'll double at least the slippers and hats as photography props next Christmas.
Still trying to book photography shoots so if you're local, give me a holler! :)
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