Did a good shop at Publix yesterday! They have great BOGO sales!
Here's the rundown:
*2 Voila Chicken dinners BOGO plus $1 IP
*2 Pillsbury Creations Doughs used coupon
*3 cans of Chef Boyardee BOGO plus coupon
*1 box of Whole Grain Spaghetti BOGO
*1 jar of Publix Chunky Mushroom Spaghetti sauce
*4 boxes of Eggo Waffles BOGO
*1 box of Stove Top Stuffing
*1 Crisco Spray used coupon
*2 boxes of Mayfield Ice Cream 2/$6
*2 boxes of General Mills Cereal BOGO plus used coupon
*10 lb bag of sugar
*6 4 packs of fruit BOGO plus used Kroger Catalina coupons
*Reusable shopping bag - was penny item
OOP: $41.66 Savings: $38.01
We had one of the Voila Chicken meals tonight and it was pretty good. I bulked it up with some yellow squash and squacinni (it's a squash and zuccinni mix). Was a hit for all 3 of us. Tomorrow we're making my nephew's recipe for a Spaghetti Stromboli. It's yummy! I'm going to take pictures and share the recipe tomorrow. I'm going to try my first meatloaf this week as well.
We decided to work with a $200 budget for groceries and toiletries for a month. We have a stockpile of soap and deodorant so far. We're slowly adding to our stockpiles as we can get good deals. I have several sites that I keep an eye on regularly to get the best deals for our money.
I'm a little bummed! I bought 2 extra papers along with our regular delivery paper for Sunday yesterday with the hopes of the Kelloggs Back To School Flyer being in them. Come to find out my paper didn't even have it! I'm on the hunt to find them but too bad it'll be too late for the sales at Publix.