First off, I haven't announced the arrival on Keelan Alexander on the blog. He arrived on August 11, 2009 at 6:33 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 4 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. He was born with a head FULL of hair...that is really an understatement. He had his 2 month check-up this past Monday. He's up to 9 lbs 5 ozs and 21.75 inches. He's a pretty good nurser. We've had a great deal of trials in the past 2 months but it's worth the work and pain. He's been rolling over since he was 16 days old. He's been giving us lots of smiles now. It's too cute to see him smile with dimples like his big brother and daddy. <3
Corgan is growing too but not sure of his stats. He's a good big brother but still a little too rough with Keelan. He's learning though.

I plan on starting Tot School with him. He needs some kind of routine cause he's getting into everything. I want to encourage learning in a fun way for him as well.
I'm doing pretty good. Everyone has been commenting on how good I look and saying I've lost weight. I have lost some lbs but I think it's more inches than anything. I'm ready to start seriously losing weight but not doing too much since I'm nursing. I need to start eating better and find an exercise that works for me. Marshall is doing good. We're both trying to deal with the adjustment to 2 kids. It has it's ups and downs. We need to get away and have date nights. It would be with Keelan for a while but that's ok.
youre doing great. I just love that picture of the two brothers-so sweet. everything has seasons-enjoy this one -it goes so fast. I do think exercise would be great though -it will give you more energy to enjoy your children-and it will give you those "happy neurons" called endorphins and so many other reasons. Mostly-do what you can and enjoy the process.
Yes, there is an adjustment when adding child #2... Adding #s 3 and 4 were easier. *lol*
Sounds like everything is going great!
Congrats on the new little man!
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