Am I the only one out there who feels that sometimes life is a lather, rinse and repeat cycle? I feel like I'm so caught up in life that I'm missing something. I'm always adding something else to my plate too because I'm crazy like that. :) I started my photography business in Dec of 2008. I started my Premier Designs jewelry business in August of this year. I'm already a SAHM. I'm involved in choir and praise team at church. I feel like I have so much on my plate but I love every minute of it. One of the biggest blessings to me is being able to be a part of NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep). I have people all the time tell me that I'm an angel for my volunteering. It's an honor to me to serve the families and the babies. It's a blessing to me. They don't realize how much I benefit as well. It puts everything into perspective. You find out just what is really important in life as well. :)
Total change of subject but I am out of conditioner (which sparked this post). Am I the only one who runs out of conditioner before shampoo? I seem to end up with lots of bottles of shampoo but never enough conditioner. Do you buy just new conditioner or both?
October 29, 2010
June 26, 2010
Corgan has been fully potty trained for several months now. We still have some accidents but overall he's done great! I think we're pretty much night trained now as well! He only had one accident at night this past week! So he was treated to Build A Bear He made a monkey that he named Funky Monkey. Oh the adventures those 2 had yesterday. Funky Monkey went out to eat with us last night and even helped Mommy and Daddy drive...hehe. Corgan is getting a lot more vocal and makes lots of sentences. He's a talking machine. He just celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 18th. We had his party at the church on the 19th. It rained so I think that scared a lot of people away but we still had a good crowd. He got way more presents than he needed but he had lots of fun! :)
Keelan is now pulling up on things instead of just people. He tries to practically climb up things. It's cute. He now has 8 teeth. He can wave. He says Hey, Bye Bye and Dada consistently. No MaMa just yet. He must just be saving the best for last. :) He won't quite stand alone just yet but we're working on it. His crawl is a one arm and one leg army crawl. Don't let it fool you though because he can get around quite fast! He loves his hair. You can see him pulling on it and shaking his head to make it spin. I'm constantly pulling it out of his face but I think he likes it in his face cause he'll shake his head and get it back in his eyes as soon as I move it. He's definitely a little rascal. He's got quite the determination and attitude. He'll let you know if he does or doesn't like something. He is still very much attached to his paci but doesn't have to have it. He went all night last night without it! YAY!
Marshall and I are both on our way to getting healthy. We just bought lots of Advocare products to get us started right. I'll be taking Fibo-Trim as well as drinking meal replacement shakes. Marshall is doing MNS - Maximum Appetite Control as well as a few other things with the shakes. To help keep me accountable I'm hoping to blog more. That will also help me to look back and see where I've come from.
Keelan is now pulling up on things instead of just people. He tries to practically climb up things. It's cute. He now has 8 teeth. He can wave. He says Hey, Bye Bye and Dada consistently. No MaMa just yet. He must just be saving the best for last. :) He won't quite stand alone just yet but we're working on it. His crawl is a one arm and one leg army crawl. Don't let it fool you though because he can get around quite fast! He loves his hair. You can see him pulling on it and shaking his head to make it spin. I'm constantly pulling it out of his face but I think he likes it in his face cause he'll shake his head and get it back in his eyes as soon as I move it. He's definitely a little rascal. He's got quite the determination and attitude. He'll let you know if he does or doesn't like something. He is still very much attached to his paci but doesn't have to have it. He went all night last night without it! YAY!
Marshall and I are both on our way to getting healthy. We just bought lots of Advocare products to get us started right. I'll be taking Fibo-Trim as well as drinking meal replacement shakes. Marshall is doing MNS - Maximum Appetite Control as well as a few other things with the shakes. To help keep me accountable I'm hoping to blog more. That will also help me to look back and see where I've come from.
May 30, 2010
New layout
I changed things around on here cause it needed a new look. I find that I don't spend much time blogging anymore. Guess I worry that no on really reads it anyways. So if you're out there, say hi. :)
My big thing lately in blog posts seems to be giveaways. I haven't won anything yet but I'll keep trying cause I'm addicted to the thrill. haha
One of the blogs that I frequent also has a giveaway blog, Lyndsie Gives Away. Right now she's doing a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate to The Vintage Pearl. I love the jewelry they have! I would totally pick a necklace with my boys names....all 3 (hubby included). They are my world. Go register to win yourself!!
My big thing lately in blog posts seems to be giveaways. I haven't won anything yet but I'll keep trying cause I'm addicted to the thrill. haha
One of the blogs that I frequent also has a giveaway blog, Lyndsie Gives Away. Right now she's doing a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate to The Vintage Pearl. I love the jewelry they have! I would totally pick a necklace with my boys names....all 3 (hubby included). They are my world. Go register to win yourself!!
March 15, 2010
I am known as being obsessed with bags....purses, diaper bags, cosmetic bags, and now camera bags. Some of the cutest bags are made by Epiphanie! They're having an awesome giveaway right now too! I could win either a Canon 5D Mark II or a $2500 gift certificate with Southwest Airlines! Might be hard to choose but I've been dreaming about a camera upgrade and what better way than to win it!!! Here's the details: Have An Epiphanie!.
March 12, 2010
Way behind
I see it's been just over a month since I've updated. I've been extremely busy with my photography business. When I'm not busy with that my boys keep me busy.
Corgan is now potty trained. He still has some accidents but he's been doing great! Keelan has 2 teeth and can sit up some now. He scoots sometimes too and spins to get where he needs to go. He's been doing good with eating baby foods too. He's 7 months old now. He eats stage 2 foods now. I recently stocked up on foods since I got a good deal. I always said I'd make my own baby foods but between the deals and the time it'd take to make it myself I decided to just buy.
We've pretty much switched back to disposable diapers. I'm not too thrilled about that especially after just buying a dozen new diapers and new covers to go with them. It's ok though cause I'm enjoying the break from cleaning and washing diapers. I've also gotten some really good deals of sposies. :)
Corgan is now potty trained. He still has some accidents but he's been doing great! Keelan has 2 teeth and can sit up some now. He scoots sometimes too and spins to get where he needs to go. He's been doing good with eating baby foods too. He's 7 months old now. He eats stage 2 foods now. I recently stocked up on foods since I got a good deal. I always said I'd make my own baby foods but between the deals and the time it'd take to make it myself I decided to just buy.
We've pretty much switched back to disposable diapers. I'm not too thrilled about that especially after just buying a dozen new diapers and new covers to go with them. It's ok though cause I'm enjoying the break from cleaning and washing diapers. I've also gotten some really good deals of sposies. :)
February 11, 2010
Win an organic Ergo!
I would love to win this! Maybe you would too!
February 10, 2010
Fly cheap!
Southwest Airlines is running another special! Until tomorrow night at 11:59 Pacific Time, you can buy one way tickets up to 500 miles for $39! You must travel between 3/15 and 5/25. Travel valid everyday except Fridays and Sundays. Great deal if you need a getaway and can travel between those dates.
Send me to Hawaii!
If you're not a member of Ebates, please use my referral code to join! By doing so you're entering me (and YOU!) into a sweepstakes for a trip to Hawaii.
Already a member? Here's the details:
Refer the most and win airfare for two and a five night hotel stay in Hawaii. Plus, no matter what, you'll get $5 for every qualified new member you refer! Contest runs from 2/10/10 - 3/31/10.
Qualified means that they have to purchase $20 within 90 days of joining. Let's send one of us to Hawaii!!
Already a member? Here's the details:
Refer the most and win airfare for two and a five night hotel stay in Hawaii. Plus, no matter what, you'll get $5 for every qualified new member you refer! Contest runs from 2/10/10 - 3/31/10.
Qualified means that they have to purchase $20 within 90 days of joining. Let's send one of us to Hawaii!!
February 09, 2010
Valentine's Udder Cover Promo
When I was pregnant with Keelan I got an Udder Cover. I really enjoyed it. We didn't get to use it much because Keelan hated to be covered. For those who don't mind being covered for breastfeeding I recommend an Udder Cover. They are running a special Valentine's Promotion. You save 90% on their 3 piece gift set. Each 3 piece gift set includes the Udder Cover™ nursing cover of your choice, a color coordinated Milk Bands™ breastfeeding bracelet and 2 pairs of 5 ply washable 100% cotton breast pads!
If you’re not currently nursing, you probably know someone who is or shortly will be! They make great baby shower gifts! You can get any of our 3 piece gift sets (regular price $46) for only $5 + S&H!
The code is “Valentine”.
Go to , click on "Shop Now", scroll down to the gift sets, select the one you would like and you will automatically be repositioned to the center of the page where you can enter in the promo code! Type in Valentine and it will bring your product total to $5! This promotion will expire on March 1st 2010. You can use the code more than once - you just have to open a new browser/window to do so.
This promotion gives you 1 gift set for $5 + S&H! This promotion code is valid once per transaction, so you can order as many times as you would like! Happy Valentines Day!
If you’re not currently nursing, you probably know someone who is or shortly will be! They make great baby shower gifts! You can get any of our 3 piece gift sets (regular price $46) for only $5 + S&H!
The code is “Valentine”.
Go to , click on "Shop Now", scroll down to the gift sets, select the one you would like and you will automatically be repositioned to the center of the page where you can enter in the promo code! Type in Valentine and it will bring your product total to $5! This promotion will expire on March 1st 2010. You can use the code more than once - you just have to open a new browser/window to do so.
This promotion gives you 1 gift set for $5 + S&H! This promotion code is valid once per transaction, so you can order as many times as you would like! Happy Valentines Day!
February 03, 2010
Diapers ordered!
I just bought an extra large case of diapers and 2 jumbo packs. I paid $39.97 out of pocket. I will mail in my $14.97 rebate so I'll pay $25 total for 312 diapers! They'll be here in 2 days to my doorstep! That's .08 a diaper! Yay! :) Great deal! Just through I'd share that I've take advantage of the deal. May have my MIL and my parents purchase some for us too to stock up.
February 02, 2010
Diaper scenario
For mommies-to-be or those with a newborn or maybe you just a cheap baby shower gift, check this out!
First go sign up for one of these two shopping sites to earn $5 just for signing up:
Ebates or Shop at Home. Plus you'll earn a 1% cash back rebate from Ebates and a 1.5% cash back rebate from Shop At Home for There are lots more other sites that are included for cash back plus coupons!
Next add diapers to your cart that equal to over $49 to earn free shipping. Here's a scenario with size 1 diapers.
*1 Luvs Extra Large Case of diapers (254 diapers) - $35.99
*2 Luvs Jumbo packs of diapers (50 diapers each) - $6.99 each
Gives you a total of $49.97 to get free shipping. Use my discount code if you're a first time customer (DASM7352) and you get $10 off your order. PLUS, if you're a first time customer there is a rebate for $14.97 here. Takes 6-8 weeks to get it.
So here's the run down. You'll get 354 size 1 diapers for $25! That's approx. .08 a diaper! Wow!! Now I'm off to see how I can make it work for my little chunkybutt Keelan!
First go sign up for one of these two shopping sites to earn $5 just for signing up:
Ebates or Shop at Home. Plus you'll earn a 1% cash back rebate from Ebates and a 1.5% cash back rebate from Shop At Home for There are lots more other sites that are included for cash back plus coupons!
Next add diapers to your cart that equal to over $49 to earn free shipping. Here's a scenario with size 1 diapers.
*1 Luvs Extra Large Case of diapers (254 diapers) - $35.99
*2 Luvs Jumbo packs of diapers (50 diapers each) - $6.99 each
Gives you a total of $49.97 to get free shipping. Use my discount code if you're a first time customer (DASM7352) and you get $10 off your order. PLUS, if you're a first time customer there is a rebate for $14.97 here. Takes 6-8 weeks to get it.
So here's the run down. You'll get 354 size 1 diapers for $25! That's approx. .08 a diaper! Wow!! Now I'm off to see how I can make it work for my little chunkybutt Keelan!
Thought you might be interested in this website I discovered, They deliver diapers, wipes, formula and other baby necessities at really low prices with fast free shipping. They carry all the big brands and hard-to-find products too.
If you enter my email address or Referral Code on the shopping cart screen, you'll get an extra $10 off your first order of diapers. And I'll get a $1 credit each time you order. It's a great way we can both save!
My Email Address:
Referral Code: DASM7352
Check it out at
There's a really good diaper deal going on right now. Once I figure out the best scenario I'll post it. Other sites posted it with using Luvs jumbo packs but those are sold out right now except the size 1s. Stay tuned.
If you enter my email address or Referral Code on the shopping cart screen, you'll get an extra $10 off your first order of diapers. And I'll get a $1 credit each time you order. It's a great way we can both save!
My Email Address:
Referral Code: DASM7352
Check it out at
There's a really good diaper deal going on right now. Once I figure out the best scenario I'll post it. Other sites posted it with using Luvs jumbo packs but those are sold out right now except the size 1s. Stay tuned.
February 01, 2010
Update on Keelan
He'll be 6 months old on the 11th. Here's an update on him as of today:
*He's eating baby food - has almost tried all the stage ones. Can eat a whole jar already too!! He loves eating and thinks that every time one of us is eating that he needs to eat too. :)
*He rolls over both ways. He's so hard to keep on his back which makes diaper changes fun.
*He tries to crawl. He pushes his knees up under him and pushes.
*He popped his first tooth yesterday!! A month after we thought his first was popping through. It's not even the same one that was about to pop so I think it'll pop soon.
*He loves his big brother! Even when Corgan is being rough he still smiles at him most of the time.
*He's outgrowing his 0-3 clothes.
*He's chunking up big time. According to our home scale he weighs 14 lbs! He goes back on the 19th so we'll see how much he weighs then.
*He's eating baby food - has almost tried all the stage ones. Can eat a whole jar already too!! He loves eating and thinks that every time one of us is eating that he needs to eat too. :)
*He rolls over both ways. He's so hard to keep on his back which makes diaper changes fun.
*He tries to crawl. He pushes his knees up under him and pushes.
*He popped his first tooth yesterday!! A month after we thought his first was popping through. It's not even the same one that was about to pop so I think it'll pop soon.
*He loves his big brother! Even when Corgan is being rough he still smiles at him most of the time.
*He's outgrowing his 0-3 clothes.
*He's chunking up big time. According to our home scale he weighs 14 lbs! He goes back on the 19th so we'll see how much he weighs then.
January 28, 2010
Junk Mail - UPDATE!
I wish I could've written this post to say I won a new car but I cannot. We did however win 3 gold coins. They have George Washington on them and say $1. So I guess we won $3. Corgan was excited! Easily amused like his mom I guess. I can't wait for the day that we can afford a new bigger vehicle for me but until then I am very content with my paid off car that gets great gas mileage. :) Why mess with a good thing? It's just like our housing situation. We could use bigger space but the mobile home is almost paid off and we couldn't get a house for the price we're paying now. Sometimes it just pays off to be content with what you have till God blesses you and takes you elsewhere.
Junk Mail
I hate getting junk mail. Ever since we joined LifeLock we don't get near as much junk mail. One consistent thing we do get is the offers from local dealerships. I just got one yesterday with a gift card and key. I scratched off the little scratchpad to see I'm a winner! I called and reserved my prize. I'm sure it's nothing special. However we will take our key, gift card and mailer up to the dealership maybe later today. How nice would it be if my key would start the car which in this case is a 2010 Nissan Altima. I would love a new car but right now that's the only way I can afford it.

January 27, 2010
10 year reunion
I can't believe it's almost time for my high school 10 year reunion! I'm on the reunion committee and we've been busy getting everything situated for planning the events. We're doing it during the 4th of July weekend so those coming from out of town will have more time as most people will have a 3 day weekend. We'll do a family picnic and then a semi-formal event that night. We're doing a fun casino theme. I can't wait to see how that turns out. We've gotten the bank account situated, venue booked, and party pros taken care of. Since we're doing this ourselves it's lots of busy work but so worth it! We're meeting tonight with the caterer to pick out our menu. Things are coming together with our website too. We're in the process of collecting advertising for our reunion book along with raffle prizes. Now to figure out what business to contact. I've already thought of some direct sales companies. Some of the other girls have contacted big businesses along with restaurants.
January 26, 2010
Ok I don't think I even had any idea just how much jealousy Corgan would have over Keelan. Seems like it just continues to get worse. What can I do? I seriously need some BTDT moms to help me out! In the last few days Corgan has started biting and hitting Keelan pretty bad. :( It breaks my heart to hear my baby let out such a screeching yell. I know we're not neglecting Corgan by any means. He's even had Mommy-and-Me and Daddy-and-Me days. We've just got to get something straightened out soon!
Well I've gotta get back to cleaning and laundry. Plus I gotta figure out supper. :)
Well I've gotta get back to cleaning and laundry. Plus I gotta figure out supper. :)
January 25, 2010
Tot School
I know I have posted about wanting to do Tot School before but I think it's time to really make it happen. So I'm on the hunt for some good resources to teach Corgan. Here's a little of what I want to teach him:
*Music - making music with different items around the house and listening to music. I want to give him a passion for praise and worship music.
*Math - Ok, so not actual math just yet but I want to teach him his numbers and learning to count. Then we could move into simple addition.
*Grammar - Letters first of course and then move into spelling and writing.
*Bible - A Bible story and application of it.
*Art - coloring, crafts, painting, etc.
*Science - not sure how we'll do this just yet other than the aspects of creation and the world around us
*Household - cooking, cleaning, etc. Maybe find a way to give him simple chores and tasks to complete.
*Health - This will include potty training, hygiene, and exercise.
That's just a few thoughts going through my mind right now. I need to start making a list of items we need from the store. Of course I have to think about where we'll store the items where I can keep them out of reach until we need them. This post is more about my brainstorming. Maybe it'll help someone to branch out to do more with their kids. Or maybe you have an idea to help me. Please share!
*Music - making music with different items around the house and listening to music. I want to give him a passion for praise and worship music.
*Math - Ok, so not actual math just yet but I want to teach him his numbers and learning to count. Then we could move into simple addition.
*Grammar - Letters first of course and then move into spelling and writing.
*Bible - A Bible story and application of it.
*Art - coloring, crafts, painting, etc.
*Science - not sure how we'll do this just yet other than the aspects of creation and the world around us
*Household - cooking, cleaning, etc. Maybe find a way to give him simple chores and tasks to complete.
*Health - This will include potty training, hygiene, and exercise.
That's just a few thoughts going through my mind right now. I need to start making a list of items we need from the store. Of course I have to think about where we'll store the items where I can keep them out of reach until we need them. This post is more about my brainstorming. Maybe it'll help someone to branch out to do more with their kids. Or maybe you have an idea to help me. Please share!
January 24, 2010
Chuck E Cheese
We had our first trip to Chuck E Cheese today for a birthday party for two pretty little girls Tavi and Nayah. Corgan really had a bunch of fun. I almost couldn't get him to eat pizza and cake! That was a shocker. When we got there we all went and played games. Marshall fed Keelan and I took Corgan to play games. He had fun playing all the different games.

Then it was time for pizza and cake. After that the girls opened a few presents. We all had a few tokens left to spend so we then spent the rest of them. It was almost hard to get Corgan to leave. When we got home he laid down with me and we both took a 3 hour nap! Wow! I can't remember the last time he took a nap or even that one that long! Hope he sleeps well tonight!
Here's a couple pictures of my boys enjoying themselves at Chuck E Cheese. :)

Enjoying his time with Daddy.

Corgan LOVED Chuck E! He wanted to follow him everywhere.

What a sweet present! :)

Then it was time for pizza and cake. After that the girls opened a few presents. We all had a few tokens left to spend so we then spent the rest of them. It was almost hard to get Corgan to leave. When we got home he laid down with me and we both took a 3 hour nap! Wow! I can't remember the last time he took a nap or even that one that long! Hope he sleeps well tonight!
Here's a couple pictures of my boys enjoying themselves at Chuck E Cheese. :)

Enjoying his time with Daddy.

Corgan LOVED Chuck E! He wanted to follow him everywhere.

What a sweet present! :)
January 23, 2010
Never a dull moment
There is absolutely never a dull moment in our house! Corgan got into something else today. It just happened to be my lipstick this time. I had just left the house to get a latte and head to do some shopping for a birthday gift. Shortly after I got my latte and was heading to Toys R Us I got a phone call. It was Marshall telling me that Corgan had gotten into my lipstick. I immediately asked if he got pictures. He said, "of course!". So here's a little bit of how it happened. Marshall thought Corgan was in his bedroom. He didn't realize that Corgan slipped into the bathroom. When he found him this was the sight.

Then Marshall asked him to show his hands...

So he told him then to put his hands on his face and run them down and got this...

followed shortly by his happy face. I love this face but this just gives it a new meaning.

God, I love this boy! Thank you for blessing me with him in my life. :)

Then Marshall asked him to show his hands...

So he told him then to put his hands on his face and run them down and got this...

followed shortly by his happy face. I love this face but this just gives it a new meaning.

God, I love this boy! Thank you for blessing me with him in my life. :)
January 22, 2010
5 months
Keelan just recently turned 5 months old. I took a few pictures of him to catch this time in his life.

Look at those little toes!!

What beautiful baby blues....
He does great holding his head up. He is getting vocal so he listens to his voice a lot by squealing. He smiles a lot and giggles for his brother. He started baby foods this week. He's had green beans first and then started applesauce today. No teeth just yet but he's teething so bad. Poor baby. He rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time yesterday! He's even trying to scoot/crawl. What strong boys I have cause Corgan was the same way. :)
Monday was a holiday so Marshall was off work. We decided to take the boys out for a family day. We went to the mall and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A since that was Corgan's request. The boy can eat his weight in chicken there! Then we stopped by Target and bought some bread with the hopes of feeding the fish up on the mountain.

However when we got home there the fish weren't coming up to eat. Guess they were a little bit too cold cause it was chilly on the mountain. So we decided to head down and let Corgan play on a playground we had passed. Marshall walked around with Corgan as he played. I sat on the bench talking to Keelan and feeding him. I got a few pictures of both my boys.

We had a good day together!! We were all sad when Daddy went back to work after he had been off since Thursday. He took several days off to have a long weekend.
While I'm posting I might as well share about a Corgan funny. Last Monday Corgan was supposed to be taking a nap. Not sure what caused me to go in and see him but I did. This is what I found...

He had covered himself in lanolin!!! That's what I get for leaving it in his room where he could find it. haha First powder and now lanolin. This boy sure gets into things. It was so hard getting the lanolin out of his hair so he went to dinner with a little bit of a lanolin hairdo.

Look at those little toes!!

What beautiful baby blues....
He does great holding his head up. He is getting vocal so he listens to his voice a lot by squealing. He smiles a lot and giggles for his brother. He started baby foods this week. He's had green beans first and then started applesauce today. No teeth just yet but he's teething so bad. Poor baby. He rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time yesterday! He's even trying to scoot/crawl. What strong boys I have cause Corgan was the same way. :)
Monday was a holiday so Marshall was off work. We decided to take the boys out for a family day. We went to the mall and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A since that was Corgan's request. The boy can eat his weight in chicken there! Then we stopped by Target and bought some bread with the hopes of feeding the fish up on the mountain.

However when we got home there the fish weren't coming up to eat. Guess they were a little bit too cold cause it was chilly on the mountain. So we decided to head down and let Corgan play on a playground we had passed. Marshall walked around with Corgan as he played. I sat on the bench talking to Keelan and feeding him. I got a few pictures of both my boys.

We had a good day together!! We were all sad when Daddy went back to work after he had been off since Thursday. He took several days off to have a long weekend.
While I'm posting I might as well share about a Corgan funny. Last Monday Corgan was supposed to be taking a nap. Not sure what caused me to go in and see him but I did. This is what I found...

He had covered himself in lanolin!!! That's what I get for leaving it in his room where he could find it. haha First powder and now lanolin. This boy sure gets into things. It was so hard getting the lanolin out of his hair so he went to dinner with a little bit of a lanolin hairdo.
January 16, 2010
Wow, the things that fasting and praying does. This week has been full of ups and downs. A few to include me getting locked out of the house and me breaking the juicer. The lockout was kinda funny. Tuesday afternoon I had taken the trash out and Corgan ran up behind me and shut the door. Before I could get back to the door he locked it. I was banging on the door and yelling his name. I guess maybe I scared him because he ended up locking himself up in his room! I was stuck outside in a short-sleeved shirt, pants and socks for almost an hour until Marshall got home. My feet were like ice cubes by the time he got home...brrrrr. Then on Thursday night I accidentally broke the juicer. I'd been doing a juice fast and also eating fruits and veggies. Well since then I've had to alter my plans. I've been making sure I'm eating healthy. That's a sacrifice for me cause we've been such unhealthy eaters. I'm hoping by the end of this fast that I won't want to quit eating healthy. I already find myself craving celery! :)
I noticed after I got out of the shower today that my long-term skin rash is just about gone!! Fasting has helped to heal my body. I've also lost weight. While those aren't my reasoning for fasting, they sure are a nice benefit.
I noticed after I got out of the shower today that my long-term skin rash is just about gone!! Fasting has helped to heal my body. I've also lost weight. While those aren't my reasoning for fasting, they sure are a nice benefit.
January 12, 2010
Who can pray?
Anyone can pray, but only those who walk in faith and obedience to Christ can expect answers to their prayers. Contact with God begins when we receive Jesus into our lives as Savior and Lord (John 14:6). Praying with a clean heart is also vital to successful prayer. We cannot expect God to answer our prayers if there is any unconfessed sin in our life or if we are harboring an unforgiving spirit (Psalm 66:18; Mark 11:25). For God to answer our prayers, we must have a believing heart and ask according to His will (Matthew 9:29; 21:22; 1 John 5:14,15).
Anyone can pray, but only those who walk in faith and obedience to Christ can expect answers to their prayers. Contact with God begins when we receive Jesus into our lives as Savior and Lord (John 14:6). Praying with a clean heart is also vital to successful prayer. We cannot expect God to answer our prayers if there is any unconfessed sin in our life or if we are harboring an unforgiving spirit (Psalm 66:18; Mark 11:25). For God to answer our prayers, we must have a believing heart and ask according to His will (Matthew 9:29; 21:22; 1 John 5:14,15).
I read this today in my workbook for our Transformation 2010 21-day fasting and prayer. It really spoke to me so I wanted to share to whoever may be reading my blog these days. May God reveal to all of us if we any unconfessed sin in our lives or if we are harboring an unforgiving spirit. I pray that there isn't anything that is keeping us out of the will of God or keeping Him from answering our prayers.
I am trying to spend less time on the internet. I have done well so far. I even read the story of David and Goliath to Corgan and Keelan today. It felt good to read the Word with my kids. I plan to make that a habit. Now to search for a Bible version they will understand and listen to. I read out of my New King James Version today and I think it was a little confusing to him. Is there a version that you recommend when reading to kids? My kids are 2 1/2 and 5 months old.
It's time for our household to get more organized and on a schedule. I need it for my sanity. :) That is something I'm going to meditate on and pray for during this 21-day fast. Praying you all have a wonderful day. God bless!
I am trying to spend less time on the internet. I have done well so far. I even read the story of David and Goliath to Corgan and Keelan today. It felt good to read the Word with my kids. I plan to make that a habit. Now to search for a Bible version they will understand and listen to. I read out of my New King James Version today and I think it was a little confusing to him. Is there a version that you recommend when reading to kids? My kids are 2 1/2 and 5 months old.
It's time for our household to get more organized and on a schedule. I need it for my sanity. :) That is something I'm going to meditate on and pray for during this 21-day fast. Praying you all have a wonderful day. God bless!
January 10, 2010
I am taking part in a church and city-wide 21 day fast. I will be fasting most food but I'm adding in internet as well. I will still be blogging and email. No extra websites and no Facebook. This means I will not be visiting anyone else's blog so that I don't spend too much time online. Every time I get the urge to get online I will get my Bible out and read. I need to start a better habit of reading the Word. I plan to start reading it to Corgan too. He's getting older where he can understand and he loves to read. I want him to get a love for the Word. The theme for our year is Transformation 2010. We're doing unity services with other churches every so often to encourage and build the body. We will be impacting our city by sponsoring a school that is struggling. Throughout the year we will be able to impact their lives - teachers, administrative personnel and kids. What an impact this will make on our city!!! I'm ready for Transformation in all areas of my life! Please agree in prayer with me for not change but TRANSFORMATION!
January 09, 2010
Looking back at 2009....let's see how things happened.
January - New Year's Day we told my Grandma and Grandpa that we were expecting Keelan. Grandma was put in the hospital shortly before her birthday. She eventually ended up in a nursing home. We all went to visit her on a Wednesday night and by Friday she passed away. I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. I knew the only reason my Dad would call that late would be if Grandma passed. She fought a long 12 year battle with leukemia and decided to not have anymore chemo. She was tired and ready to go home to her Maker.
February - Grandma's funeral was on February 3rd. I remember going to my 12 week checkup the day before and being so scared that I would hear bad news. That was one of the few times that my blood pressure was high during my pregnancy with Keelan.
March - We found out that we were having a boy. I will admit I was pretty upset about it at first...but I wouldn't trade Keelan for anything.
April - Tax returns! I think we actually got our money in April. We filed in February and I wanna say we got it quickly. We also went to Stix to eat with my Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle. It was Corgan's first time to see Japanese steak house. He liked it but was a little impatient.
May - Mine and Marshall's birthdays! Along with Mother's Day. Marshall got me a Garmin. Now I don't get lost. Haha. I also shot my first wedding this month!
June - Corgan's 2nd birthday. This time we decided to have another pool party and invite a bunch of friends after a bad turnout for his 1st birthday pool party. We had a great turnout and everyone had a great time!
July - Had one antepartum trip to the hospital. Nothing was going on so Keelan stayed put a little bit longer.
August - Had another antepartum trip to the hospital. Was in early labor. It was a late night visit so we didn't bother to ask someone to watch Corgan. Just took him with us. He never went back to sleep so it was a rough time for all 3 of us. I wasn't progressing enough too stay so they sent us home early the next morning. I had a dr appt already scheduled that day. It was at that appt that we decided to induce that night. Keelan was born the next day - August 11th.
September - Not sure of any special happenings
October - We took our first family vacation as a family of four. We went to our usual vacation spot - Gatlinburg, TN. We stayed in our honeymoon cabin. We didn't have a great experience as we were there for just a weekend. That part would've been ok if we didn't have the AC problems in the cabin or the rain for most of the weekend. We still enjoyed our trip.
November - We had our first Thanksgiving since we've been married that we didn't have to go to two places in one day! It felt so good to not be pressed for time and in the car so much. We had pretty much decided that we wouldn't be able to do both anyways so it worked out for the best.
December - I renewed my business license and my photography really picked up towards the middle of the month. We had a wonderful Christmas. We were able to spend Christmas morning at home and then headed to Marshall's grandparents' house. We only did gifts for the boys. It was fun to watch Corgan poke around instead of opening presents. I guess we overdid ourselves and could've just given him the bike. He would've been happy with just that.
Here's to a successful, happy and healthy new year in 2010!!!
January - New Year's Day we told my Grandma and Grandpa that we were expecting Keelan. Grandma was put in the hospital shortly before her birthday. She eventually ended up in a nursing home. We all went to visit her on a Wednesday night and by Friday she passed away. I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. I knew the only reason my Dad would call that late would be if Grandma passed. She fought a long 12 year battle with leukemia and decided to not have anymore chemo. She was tired and ready to go home to her Maker.
February - Grandma's funeral was on February 3rd. I remember going to my 12 week checkup the day before and being so scared that I would hear bad news. That was one of the few times that my blood pressure was high during my pregnancy with Keelan.
March - We found out that we were having a boy. I will admit I was pretty upset about it at first...but I wouldn't trade Keelan for anything.
April - Tax returns! I think we actually got our money in April. We filed in February and I wanna say we got it quickly. We also went to Stix to eat with my Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle. It was Corgan's first time to see Japanese steak house. He liked it but was a little impatient.
May - Mine and Marshall's birthdays! Along with Mother's Day. Marshall got me a Garmin. Now I don't get lost. Haha. I also shot my first wedding this month!
June - Corgan's 2nd birthday. This time we decided to have another pool party and invite a bunch of friends after a bad turnout for his 1st birthday pool party. We had a great turnout and everyone had a great time!
July - Had one antepartum trip to the hospital. Nothing was going on so Keelan stayed put a little bit longer.
August - Had another antepartum trip to the hospital. Was in early labor. It was a late night visit so we didn't bother to ask someone to watch Corgan. Just took him with us. He never went back to sleep so it was a rough time for all 3 of us. I wasn't progressing enough too stay so they sent us home early the next morning. I had a dr appt already scheduled that day. It was at that appt that we decided to induce that night. Keelan was born the next day - August 11th.
September - Not sure of any special happenings
October - We took our first family vacation as a family of four. We went to our usual vacation spot - Gatlinburg, TN. We stayed in our honeymoon cabin. We didn't have a great experience as we were there for just a weekend. That part would've been ok if we didn't have the AC problems in the cabin or the rain for most of the weekend. We still enjoyed our trip.
November - We had our first Thanksgiving since we've been married that we didn't have to go to two places in one day! It felt so good to not be pressed for time and in the car so much. We had pretty much decided that we wouldn't be able to do both anyways so it worked out for the best.
December - I renewed my business license and my photography really picked up towards the middle of the month. We had a wonderful Christmas. We were able to spend Christmas morning at home and then headed to Marshall's grandparents' house. We only did gifts for the boys. It was fun to watch Corgan poke around instead of opening presents. I guess we overdid ourselves and could've just given him the bike. He would've been happy with just that.
Here's to a successful, happy and healthy new year in 2010!!!
Project 365
The picture for today is a little different as it isn't of a person. We recently moved Keelan out of our room into Corgan's room after getting him a crib. Because of the fact we already have wall to wall furniture in there, we had planned on selling Corgan's old dresser for the fact it takes up too much room. We're replacing it with my old dresser from my parents house since it's more upright and will take up less wall and floor space. Well today we decided that instead of selling the old dresser to make it into an entertainment it. I really like the way it turned out so I took a picture and decided to make it my picture for today.

Now to get rid of the old TV stand and get this living room livable again.
January 08, 2010
Project 365
I'm on the ball today! I took a few pictures already but the one that stuck out was of Keelan's hand. I can't get over the fact of how small it is. Soon it will be big but it will always be in my hand. :)

January 07, 2010
Project 365
I got a few pictures taken today after a slacking! I took a picture on January 2nd but apparently it didn't come out cause it's not showing up on my card. Here are a few pictures of Corgan enjoying the snow.

I apologize for my slacking on the 365 challenge. I did take a picture day 2 but I've slacked since then. I took a few pictures today as well since we had some snow.
Speaking of's very uncommon here in Alabama so when they talk about it people go crazy. This time though I think they went even more overboard. While we were out and about running errands yesterday I heard of several schools already closing for today. This was at around 2 pm! The snow hadn't even started. It didn't start till about 8 this morning. So some schools were open till 11:30. I didn't even get out in it at all cause I can't stand the bad drivers here when the weather is questionable. Marshall did have to go into work but he got off at 1 pm. They closed the main road to our house right at that same time. However for some reason they didn't talk about it on the radio so he didn't know and had to take a different way home. It took him an hour to get home with what should've only taken about 15-20 mins. Glad he made it home safely though. Not sure of the accumulation we got but it wasn't much at all. Just enough to give a good covering. Corgan had a good time in it but not for long. He ended up having a meltdown. I think it was because his hands were cold. That and Daddy wanted to take his picture and he wanted me to do it. Silly boy! I'll get the pictures taken off after the National Championship game to share.
Gotta let Marshall use the computer so I'm off now! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!
Speaking of's very uncommon here in Alabama so when they talk about it people go crazy. This time though I think they went even more overboard. While we were out and about running errands yesterday I heard of several schools already closing for today. This was at around 2 pm! The snow hadn't even started. It didn't start till about 8 this morning. So some schools were open till 11:30. I didn't even get out in it at all cause I can't stand the bad drivers here when the weather is questionable. Marshall did have to go into work but he got off at 1 pm. They closed the main road to our house right at that same time. However for some reason they didn't talk about it on the radio so he didn't know and had to take a different way home. It took him an hour to get home with what should've only taken about 15-20 mins. Glad he made it home safely though. Not sure of the accumulation we got but it wasn't much at all. Just enough to give a good covering. Corgan had a good time in it but not for long. He ended up having a meltdown. I think it was because his hands were cold. That and Daddy wanted to take his picture and he wanted me to do it. Silly boy! I'll get the pictures taken off after the National Championship game to share.
Gotta let Marshall use the computer so I'm off now! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!
January 01, 2010
Project 365
I have started a special project to take at least 1 picture every day. I will post my picture of the day here and on Facebook. Some days it will be more than 1 today. I couldn't pick just one of my sweet little Keelan. It won't always be myself or my family. Some days it may be nature or even clients of my photography business. I'm learning more every day about taking better pictures. Sometimes it's a matter of where the subject is and making sure to have all of their limbs in the picture. Today it was shown to make sure that there are not objects around the subject's head. It makes it look like something is growing out of their head. I would normally re-shoot the picture when I notice something like that but these pictures were just too cute not to share. Enjoy my sweet little man.

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