Look at those little toes!!

What beautiful baby blues....
He does great holding his head up. He is getting vocal so he listens to his voice a lot by squealing. He smiles a lot and giggles for his brother. He started baby foods this week. He's had green beans first and then started applesauce today. No teeth just yet but he's teething so bad. Poor baby. He rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time yesterday! He's even trying to scoot/crawl. What strong boys I have cause Corgan was the same way. :)
Monday was a holiday so Marshall was off work. We decided to take the boys out for a family day. We went to the mall and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A since that was Corgan's request. The boy can eat his weight in chicken there! Then we stopped by Target and bought some bread with the hopes of feeding the fish up on the mountain.

However when we got home there the fish weren't coming up to eat. Guess they were a little bit too cold cause it was chilly on the mountain. So we decided to head down and let Corgan play on a playground we had passed. Marshall walked around with Corgan as he played. I sat on the bench talking to Keelan and feeding him. I got a few pictures of both my boys.

We had a good day together!! We were all sad when Daddy went back to work after he had been off since Thursday. He took several days off to have a long weekend.
While I'm posting I might as well share about a Corgan funny. Last Monday Corgan was supposed to be taking a nap. Not sure what caused me to go in and see him but I did. This is what I found...

He had covered himself in lanolin!!! That's what I get for leaving it in his room where he could find it. haha First powder and now lanolin. This boy sure gets into things. It was so hard getting the lanolin out of his hair so he went to dinner with a little bit of a lanolin hairdo.
1 comment:
What beautiful boys you have! I can not believe the amount of hair Keelan has.
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