August 15, 2014

Changes in our household

I am now the mom of a kindergartener!  Keelan started kindergarten last week.  He is loving it.  It still feels out of routine to not have him at home with me.  Will take some getting used to I am sure.  :)  Keelan loves to ride the bus.  Each morning he runs across the street to the neighbor girl's house so he can talk to her.  She's probably 5 years older than him, but they get along most of the time.

Corgan has started playing football so our lives have been occupied with practice 4 days a week.  He has his first game tomorrow morning.  Can't wait to see them all in their uniforms and pads running around.  So cute at that age.  He is 7 and one of the oldest on the team but is one of the smallest.  He got a position playing on the line.  He amazes me at how tough he is.  I hope he enjoys it!

Marshall and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary yesterday.  We got to get out while my parents watched the boys.  We went to The Melting Pot where we indulged in a 4 course meal!  Wow, didn't think that was that much food until we were eating it all.  We were so full!  We were also given 6 chocolate covered strawberries since I had a coupon with their fondue club.  Everything about the whole thing was great!  We will definitely have to treat ourselves to it again...just maybe not 4 courses!  :)

I am still working full-time in real estate.  Things are going well there.  Stretching myself for sure most days, but it's rewarding.  :)

I am still heavily involved with Young Living Essential Oils.  It is still rocking our world!  It has provided financially in a great way.  I have also made some amazing friends.  I love hearing more and more testimonials on how they (the oils) are helping so many people!  It is mind blowing to me.  I make it a point and goal to use a new oil as much as I can so I have a good product knowledge.  I am preparing now for a big expo event at our local civic center next month.  I am eager to see how it helps my business.  If you, or anyone you know, are interested in information send me a message.

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